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Available Environment Variables

Consuo Schedule

Variable Purpose Default
PORT Specify TCP port for server to listen to 8001
DB Specify database connection string mongodb://localhost:27071/channel_mgr
KEY Provide the license key -
BOOTSTRAP Initiate on startup with an example channel false
CORS_WHITELIST CORS origin white-listing. Comma-separated list of origins, example CORS_WHITELIST="," -
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key ID for IAM user with DynamoDB access -
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret key for IAM user with DynamoDB access -
DYNODB_CHANNELS_TABLE AWS DynamoDB table name for channels consuo_channels
DYNODB_SCHEDULES_TABLE AWS DynamoDB table name for schedules consuo_schedules

Consuo Engine

Variable Purpose Default
PORT Specify TCP port for server to listen to 8000
KEY Provide the license key -
CHANNELMGRAPI  Specify Consuo Schedule endpoint  http://localhost:8001
DEMO Run in demo mode without any schedule possibilities false
SLATEURI URI to slate to be used when there is a gap in the schedule. The slate is recommended to be 3-4 seconds long and packaged as HLS. For best experience it is recommended that the slate is "loopable".

Consuo UI

Variable Purpose Default
CHANNELMGRAPI  Specify Consuo Schedule endpoint  http://localhost:8001
CHANNELENGINE Specify Consuo Engine endpoint http://localhost:8000